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Edinson Cavani Wallpaper and Info
Offer of€ 20millionplusSebastianGiovincoandAlessandroMatritoNaplestoget theservices ofEdisonCavanihas beenprepared, whileLuizSuarezandRobinVanPersiekeptusseek. Surprisingly, the club calledto bid€ 20millionplusSebastianGiovincoandAlessandroMatritoNaplestoget theservices oftheirmainstaystrikerEdisonCavani.Juventuswantsto make suretheirstrongholdof star playersfrom Uruguaytostrengthen thefront linenext season, especially inthe Champions League.Cavaniitself according tothe news,onlyto be releasedbyNapoliat a price of€ 70million. Byoffering€ 20millionplusSebastianGiovincoandAlessandroMatriis expected to beclose to€ 70millionraised byNapoli. JuventusGiovincohas redeemedpossessionofParmaat a price of€ 11millionbutcould have beenstraightoffto theSanPaoloas apackageCavani. WhileMatriat the end oflast seasonwhohad to fightextrahardtofight fora placethe core, and theincreasingly uncertainfatelinked with a movefromTurin.